Vzorový formulář pro odstoupení od smlouvy

Zfishing Sport Wholesale s.r.o., Za Mototechnou 1375/7, 155 00, Praha 5 - Stodůlky


(Please only fill in this form and send it to us if you wish to withdraw from the contract.)

  • Online – please print, sign and send a scan to the e-mail address: reklamace@zfishingsport.cz.
  • To be sent together with the goods – please attach to the parcel with the goods you wish to return and post it to the address stated below.
  • Remember to attach a copy of your receipt.


Online shop: www.zfish.cz

Company: Zfishing Sport Wholesale s.r.o., Za Mototechnou 1375/7, 155 00, Praha 5 – Stodůlky

E-mail address: reklamace@zfishingsport.cz

Phone No.: 235 311 522

I hereby declare that I withdraw from the purchase contract of the goods described below (please fill in the table below:

Date of order::

Date of receipt::

Order No.:

The payment for the order and for the delivery (if applicable) was made by:

The payment shall be reimbursed by:
(in case of bank transfer, please fill in the account number)

Name and surname of the consumer:

Address of the consumer:


Phone No.:

Reasons for returning the goods:

Description of the product to which your complaint relates:

In (please fill in the place), on (please fill in the date)



Name and surname of the consumer

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